Pelvic Pain & Dysfunction

Physical therapy helps pelvic problems in men & women.
Pelvic pain in women can have many causes: endometriosis, overactive bladder, interstitial cystitis or chronic inflammation of the bladder, painful menstrual cycles, injury and muscle spasms or adhesions following surgery. These painful conditions significantly impact a woman's ability to work, raise a family and have intimate relationships. An estimated 1 million men also suffer with pelvic pain. Men can develop pain after injury, surgery, treatment for prostate or testicular cancers or colorectal procedures. This pain may limit their ability to work, enjoy recreational activities and sexual function. Most men do not know their pain can be treated and normal function restored, often very simply.
At Ultra Health Physical & Aquatic Therapy, we focus on treating pelvic pain and other functional pelvic problems. While most of our patients with these problems are women, we also welcome men to our physical and aquatic therapy centers.
Our licensed physical therapists, including several doctors of physical therapy, each have many years of experience treating health problems that are related to weakened pelvic floor muscles in both men and women. We most often treat:
- Urinary & Fecal Incontinence (after prostate surgery in men)
- Pelvic Organ Prolapse
- Pelvic Pain & Perineal Pain
- Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Problems
- Prostatitis
Learn more about physical therapy for pelvic problems by talking with your physician or calling Ultra Health Physical & Aquatic Therapy today. We welcome and appreciate your referrals.